8 Steps for Coping with High-Conflict Coworkers

If given a choice, most of us would prefer not to work with people who have difficult personalities. Unfortunately, this is generally not an option.

In addition, how you engage with these co-workers reflects on your own value as an employee. An inappropriate reaction on your part may cast doubt on your judgment, and cause your supervisor to question your ability to handle interpersonal challenges. Even if it is widely accepted that your colleague is “the problem,” it is in your best interest to handle any tough interactions with respect and maturity. While the tips provided here are not always easy, especially when your emotions are running high, you will find the results are well worth the effort.

Do You Have a “Soft Skills” Success Story?

Lucy Baney, founder of Access Technologies Group and SoftSkillsBuilder.com, is writing a book and invites your input!

Have you ever overcome employment challenges, landed a job, earned a promotion, or built a successful career by using soft skills such as professionalism, communication, problem solving, creativity, self-management, and resilience?

Or, if you are a career professional, do any of your clients stand out for achieving workplace success due to their strong soft skills?

If so, Lucy would love to speak with you!

Disability-Related Interview Tips: 5 Strategies to Improve the Odds of Finding a Job

By Lisa Jordan

The labor market is challenging as it is, but if you are a person with a disability, you are often faced with additional obstacles in order to find meaningful employment. Statistics show that for every one interview a non-disabled person does, a person with a disability does five in order to secure a job!** While the numbers seem staggering, the five strategies below can assist in improving the odds.

No Pouting: 7 Polite Ways to Handle Criticism

By Barbara Pachter

As you advance in your career you are bound to get feedback on your work. No doubt you will hear a lot of positive comments, but you also are likely to hear negative ones. This is normal – no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Yet how you receive this feedback is important to your career.

Follow these 7 steps so you handle criticism professionally:

Use Our Tips For Job Applications That Impress

Completing applications is an important job search activity. For some employers, it is the first step of the process, while others require it only once you've been invited to interview. Employers will make judgements about you based on the neatness, completeness, and accuracy of your application, so they need to be filled out with care. This can be difficult if you feel rushed or don't know some of the answers.

Using a master job application can help. A master job application is a blank form that you complete BEFORE your first interview, and refer to when filling out real ones.

Developing Your Personal Advisory Board

By Julie Perrine, CAP-OM, MBTI Certified

When you need solid advice, whom do you call? When you are looking for productive feedback, to whom do you turn? Who causes you to think differently about things that may challenge you? Do you have a personal advisory board to help you through making difficult decisions, evaluating new opportunities, or pursuing professional goals? If not, how do you develop one?

Speak Up: 10 Ways to Get Your Voice Heard

By Barbara Pachter

Have you ever left a meeting or conference thinking, “I wish I had said something?”

You are not alone. People often come up to me and confess that they are hesitant to speak up at meetings. Others mention that when they do say something, no one responds.

In a recent article in the New York Times, Sharon Napier, CEO of Partners + Napier, stressed the importance of voicing your opinion when she said: “Don’t sit quietly and think about things and maybe whisper to somebody or tell people afterward. Put yourself out there, and get involved in the conversation.”

Check your behavior against this list of 10 key assertiveness points to make sure your voice is heard. Do you:

8 Personality Traits That Are Eroding Your Time Management Skills

By Jessica Thiefels, Glassdoor.com


Time management is a skill we need in life and work, and “if you often find yourself run down by your daily workload or overwhelmed by the complexity of projects and tasks in your life, it is likely because you have not fully mastered effective time management,” suggests Matt Mayberry, Maximum Performance Strategist.

When it comes to work, your lack of time management can be a significant issue, leading to overdue projects, piled up work, and missed deadlines. Avoid the following eight things that are eroding your time management skills so you can eliminate the causes and be the best version of you in the workplace. If you’re trying to move forward in your career or make a good impression at a new job, the time to identify these issues is now.

Overcoming Listening Blocks

By Dr. Jon Warner

Being quiet while someone talks does not constitute listening. To listen on a proper attentive basis involves a real attempt to understand the other person, appreciate what is actually being communicated (in direct and indirect terms) and often to offer something in return (by way of comment, interpretation, feedback etc.). Unfortunately, many people engage in what is commonly called “pseudo-listening.” Pseudo-listening is when a person is quiet but not fully engaged in what is being said.

Examples of pseudo-listening are:

Attention, Career and Workplace Bloggers!

Do you write high-quality online content related to employment?
If so, we want to hear from you!

SoftSkillsBuilder.com is a fast-growing blog dedicated to helping readers develop and strengthen their workplace soft skills. Topics include acing job interviews, making a good impression, keeping a positive attitude, communicating effectively, handling workplace conflict and challenges, working productively, and adding value to employers.

While many of our posts are of general interest to all job seekers and employees, some specifically target the unique needs of individuals with employment barriers, including returning veterans, people with disabilities, those involved in the justice system, and those in recovery from addiction.

The blog also includes a section to prepare youth and young adults for the world of work and meeting employer expectations. 

In addition, we provide information to support career professionals in their work with job-seeking and employed clients, as well hiring organizations. 

Contributing to SoftSkillsBuilder.com will help you widen your readership, drive traffic to your own blog or website, and further establish yourself as an expert.

Download our Guest Blogger Guidelines to learn more!

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