What-Would-You-Do? Wednesday (3/30/16)

What-Would-You-Do? Wednesday (3/23/16) 
In an effort to tap into the wide-ranging perspectives of our readers, we will present a new scenario each Wednesday and ask you to weigh in. We hope you take the time to participate in the discussion so others may benefit from your insights!

Here is today's scenario...

  You are a physical therapist in the middle of a session with Mrs. Harwin. Mrs. Harwin is in a lot of pain following a hip replacement, making her even more unpleasant than usual. You have been dreading the appointment all day, knowing that she will undoubtedly say something that offends you. Sure enough, she remarks that you must be related to the hospital administrator because no one other than a family member would ever hire you. How would you handle this situation?      

Please type your answer in the Comments section below.

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